
Tiffany Morgan

Owner + Lead Strategist

Hi, there! I’m Tiffany.

Born and raised in Florida, I’ve been an LA transplant since 2010 but an Angeleno perhaps my whole life; it just took moving here to know it. A magna cum laude graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in journalism, my career has taken me from law to book publishing to TV casting and production to startup operations to talent representation, brand partnerships, PR, and social media management. The common thread of my quilted career has been communication, and my great joy is meaningfully bringing the brilliance of your ideas to an audience.

Of Irish and French heritage, I’ve always had an affinity for words and lumière is one of my favorites. French like me, the word means light and was one of the myriad nicknames bestowed upon my late maltipoo, Gilligan, the absolute light of my life.

Your business, your brand, all begins with an idea, that lightbulb flickering in your head to total illumination. Maybe you’ve launched a brand. Maybe you’ve turned a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. I’m excited to help your light shine bright.


Brittany McCconnell

Story + Content Producer

Hi! I’m Brittany.

I was born in Missouri but spent most of my life in South Africa. After returning to the U.S. for college, I graduated Cum Laude from Missouri State University with a degree in Physics. Having traveled extensively growing up, I wanted to live somewhere that had more to offer and reminded me a bit of South Africa—Los Angeles fit the bill. My husband and I fell in love with the city in May 2009, and I can confidently say this truly is home.

I began my professional career as a high school physics teacher while my husband pursued video editing. Surrounded by so many talented creators, I was drawn to storytelling and decided to switch careers. I haven't looked back since.

For the past decade, I've worked in various areas of television production, from development to production and post-production. In recent years, I've worked for networks like Netflix, Disney+, A&E, and History Channel, focusing on story producing for series such as Pit Bulls and Parolees, History’s Greatest Mysteries, Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog, and two Emmy-nominated series: Life After Death with Tyler Henry and Wahlburgers. Recently, I’ve expanded my story producing to digital content.

Storytelling is my passion, and it's what brought me to Lumière. Every person and every brand has a unique journey, and I believe it's so important to communicate it with intention. It's a privilege to help others share their stories.

Lanette Strong

Partnerships Manager + Social Media Strategist

Hi, friend, I’m Lanette.

I am a born-and-raised Floridian with a degree in PR/advertising and a minor in marketing from the University of Central Florida. My husband and I have two sons, Barrett and Bryant, and they are my greatest blessing and challenge.

My career has spanned from leading marketing efforts at an engineering firm to running my own business for 10 years. Being a small-business owner meant giving my brand a voice, and with a genuine understanding of social media, more doors have opened than I could have imagined. It’s through this experience and knowledge that I began to dive deep into the power of brand partnerships and content development.

Words are just words until you give them the power to be something else. At Lumière, you’re in control, from what you want to say to who strive to align with, and our goal is to help you craft what you want to say and your public presence to suit you and your needs. That’s what I love about working here. No two clients are on the same journey and I am honored to amplify your voice in every pitch and contract negotiation.

Effie Antigone

Social Media Specialist

Hi, I’m Effie!

I graduated from the one and only USC, with a BFA in acting, a minor in psychology, and a hearty zest for searching for the purpose of life. (I haven’t managed that last one yet, but I think I’m getting there.) Since I was young, I’ve looked at most situations life has handed me as “just another story to tell,” and it’s not only kept me afloat, but has also pushed me forward. I’ve done everything from theatre, to film, to stand-up comedy, and then some.

Most recently I’ve been working in television, writing for shows on Showtime, HBOMax, The CW, and even some features here and there. But when I found Lumiére, and saw the passion behind Tiffany’s work, I couldn’t help but jump on board. It’s clear that words hold power over our lives, and whether they’re positive, negative, exploratory, or vulnerable, language helps us find ourselves, while simultaneously helping us understand that we thrive on our human connections. I’m so lucky to have the opportunity to work here at Lumière—helping our clients find the space and the words to tell the stories they want to tell.

Get started with Lumière. Yesterday.